Well, well, well!

John Chapman

John Chapman, Commissioner for Small Business, South Australia

This is interesting for South Australian construction.

The Fair Trading (Building and Construction Industry Dispute Resolution Code) Regulations 2017 was passed a week or so ago. I have only just seen it.

It contains wide powers for the Commissioner for Small Business (a bit of a misnomer, that one?) to require builders and others  involved in a construction-related dispute to participate in a government-run ADR process, and to exchange information, answer questions and contribute to the cost of  expert advice as required by the government. There is an obligation to act reasonably, fairly, honestly and cooperatively in the ADR process.

The basic expiation fee for non-compliance is $4,000. That might just the start of penalties for those who fail to co-operate.

The Minister talks about “greater options”:17MSB323 – Ministerial Letter – Vague

Look at the Regulations and you will see he is not kidding Fair Trading (Building and Construction Industry Dispute Reso.._


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